Satanic Brotherhood, The Truth
While searching the World Wide Web the Master Councilor of the Brotherhood of Satan, came across an Article placed by a so-called Magister of a well known Satanic Church which made some very off base statements concerning Satanic Brotherhood. While I enjoy being an objective Satanist, I still give respect to other Satanists that see Satanas in any way that they individually see fit.
This is EVERY Satanists GIVEN RIGHT TO WORSHIP AS THEY WILL and this article directly attacks this individual Satanic Right. What I see here is a very direct fear of those of us that KNOW WISELY that we can respect the opinions and views of other Satanists, thereby creating a Satanic movement and community based upon the principles of Brotherhood which are Mutual Respect and Understanding while Hailing each other as the Goddesses and Gods that we EACH as Satanists ARE.
The Brotherhood has been spoken and written about very far back into the Ancient Cultures of our Earth. It has been called by many names and it is the very first of the Mystery Schools ruled over by the Master Satanas. We have all heard of the Brotherhood in Atlantis, Sumeria, Babylon, and even ancient Rome and Greece, where it was called the Brotherhood of the Pleroma. It was present in ancient Egypt under the Cult of the Black Serpent, Cult of the Black Ram, and Cult of the Jackal.
Before christ was ever born, the Brotherhood had already existed for thousands of years so therefore the statement that BROTHERHOOD is a christian concept is very laughable to say the least! It is merely just another thing that christianity has TRIED to steal from us. If THOSE WITHOUT do not SEE this, they are simply blind to it. It is everywhere in their dying stagnate religion where they tried to steal even our own SELF-RESPECT as well as our unbroken Satanic Brotherhood lineage which we fondly like to call the Silver Cord or Underground Stream of the Brotherhood. For those Satanic Churches that are the true false-hood promoters against Satanic Unity, of course the Brotherhood and what it truly represents to Real Satanism are in opposition to their OWN ELITIST VIEW that THEY are the only legitimate Satanic Church!
You will NOTICE that these Satanists ARE THEMSELVES USING THE CHRISTIAN TERM ....CHURCH! The Brotherhood of Satan is Satan’s own corporation and organization. The Brotherhood has its own CHURCH or as we REALLY like to call it: Black Chapel and it is only called the CHURCH of Baphometic Brotherhood in our printed material and is the outer portal to the Ordo Templi Satanas and the Satanic Illuminati Council.
TABLE OF CONTENTS DedicationIntroduction ............................................... 1Aim of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS ................................. 2The Grade System of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS .................... 3Rotulus Signorum Arcanorum ................................. 5Baphometic Light Ritual .................................... 7The Lesser Baphometic Ritual ............................... 8ORDO BAPHOMETIS OCCULTIS ...................................10The Teachings of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS .......................11GRIMORUM SANCTISSUM BAPHOMETIS SEXUALIS ....................12The Visible Universe as a Manifestation of the BAPHOMAE ....19MONITA SECRETA ORDINIS BAPHOMETIS ..........................20Conclusion .................................................23BibliographyThe Author INTRODUCTION "In each man's soul there exist twosimultaneous sentiments: the one bendstowards God, the other to Satan".Baudelaire The ORDO BAPHOMETIS is a purely knowledge based lodge ofa gnostic-magical orientation. The high priest C.I.T. of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS has established,through his transyuggothic time-station, a connection to the"BLACK HIERARCHY" in the 15th universe and received instructionsto establish an Order on a purely gnostic-magical basis. The astral-physical equilibrium of this planet is beginning toshift and this will have serious consequences for all regions. It uses an esoteric polarization of the mental and astralplanes. This esoteric polarization releases the potentialenergy produced on the mental and astral planes upon thephysical plane and it interferes in the material matrix ofthe earth. The ORDO BAPHOMETIS works against this throughits gnostic-magical influx. The earth should be preserved and there should be nointerference from any plane! The ORDO BAPHOMETIS is an outer RETREAT subordinate to theHIGHEST GOD of the 15th universe. The 15th universe is alsoknown as the "BLACK UNIVERSE"; it is in the 15th vibrationmatrix - identical with the 15th tarot card. The ORDO BAPHOMETIS serves as the visible medium of the"BLACK HIERARCHY", to transpose the cosmic power from the15th universe in our world and to contribute to the esoteric-magical control of the equilibrium. AIM OF THE ORDO BAPHOMETIS The primary aim of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS is to bind thegnostic-magical and black-violet influx from the 15thintercosmic vibration-model that is now magicallyirradiating our objective-material system and toinfluence this cthonic to work against thedematerialization process of the physical and astralmatter of our planets. The next aim of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS is to make thegnostic-magical mysteries and the theoretical knowledgeaccessible to mature people. Gnostic-magical knowledge is the highest knowledge. Ittherefore falls upon all to transfer and apply thistheoretical knowledge into everyday practice. It is the will of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS to pour the gnostic-magical semen on the world and its devotees, so that themystical union with the beginning of the AON BAPHOM can beestablished. The gnostic god AIWASS said: "I am the great god that sitsupon a throne of white marble. Black as the night are my eyes,but brilliant as sun-illuminated snow fields. My horns ofpure obsidian, their trimming in scarlet, in their pointsthe honey of gnosis. My tail points to the snake's nose. Myphallus is ever erect, for my inner snake is forever unitedwith the Lady of Dreams in a kiss. My feet are solid upon theearth, my horns pierce the clouds. I am the god to which thethrone of Ra was given, I am the glorious one, Christ namedby some, by others BAPHOMET, but Satan by the masses".
THE GRADE SYSTEM OF THE ORDO BAPHOMETIS The ORDO BAPHOMETIS operates according to a grade system comprisedof 99 degrees. Each degree must be acquired by the brothers' andsisters' own efforts. Moreover, there are 99 magical initiations identical to the 99gnostic-magical universes of the "BLACK SPACE". The head of theOrder takes the 100th degree, as the daimon BAPHOMET. These 100 degrees are divided into 10 magical sections, eachpresided over by a genius of the
"BLACK HIERARCHY". I Section under the control of SATANAS = Fire
1.° = Neophyte Baphometis
2.° = Zelator of the "Black Twilight"
3.° = Practicus of the Astrum Nigrum
4.° = Philosophus of the Magical Archaicum
5.° = Adeptus Daemones
6.° = Adeptus Homunculi
7.° = Adeptus Golem I
8.° = Adeptus Golem II
9.° = Adeptus Golem III
10.° = Magister Templi Baphometis = M...T...B...
II Section under the control of LUCIFER = Air
11.° = Gradus Scorti 12.° = Gradus Orgia 13.° = Gradus Ritus Kteis
14.° = Gradus Ius Primae Noctis
15.° = Magister Inferi
16.° = Maximus SHEMHAMPHORAS
17.° = Magister Metatron
18.° = Pontifex Maximus Pentalphus
19.° = Magister Luciferi
20.° = Gradus Asmodeus
III Section under the control of BELIAL = Earth
21.° = Gradus Satanae
22.° = Civitas Diaboli
23.° = Gradus Inccubi et Succubi
24.° = Rex Infernus
26.° = Phallos et Kteis
26.° = Phallos et Kteis
27.° = Gradus Sodomae et Gomorrhae
28.° = Luciferian Terafim of Infinity
29.° = Rex Missae Sexualis
30.° = King of AGARTHI
IV Section under the control of LEVIATHAN = Water
31.° = The House of Leviathan
32.° = Sacerdos Maximus Satani
33.° = Sacerdos Maximus Baphometis
34.° = Gradus Ordinis Templi Orientis Baphometis = GOTOS
35.° = Gradus Anthropophagus
36.° = Magia Excrementorum
37.° = Magia Agriona
38.° = Adeptus Tepha
39.° = Magus Sigilli Baphometis
40.° = Maximus Cados
V Section under the control of the goddess LILITH
41.° = King of the Magical Chaos
42.° = Magia Sexualis
43.° = Cardinal of the under-current of PENTALPHUM
44.° = Magus of the Secret Sexual Magic
45.° = Magus Necromanticus
46.° = Whore Babalon
47.° = Grade of the gnostic-magical PENTALPHAE
48.° = Tu es diaboli janua 49.° = Tu es divinae legis prima desertrix
50.° = Ubique LILITH
Nothing can be said about the higher degrees in this work. ROTULUS SIGNORUM ARCANORUM As already mentioned, the ORDO BAPHOMETIS is a gnostic-magicalOrder, which concerns itself intensively with ritual magic. Here, some magical rituals are published. "Percurrimus foedus cum morte et cum infernofecimus pactum." Sacrament of the Baphometic Novice-Initiation Required implements: black lodge-coat, 1 black candle, cup,communion wafers, oil, skull, 1 bottle of wine,bell, incense burner.
Evocation symbolfor the attractionof Baphometicentities. Sigil of Baphomet
Master:Salutem in nomine demiurgi Baphometis!Ha Kochren ha tai-alal?(Are you prepared to give everything, brother/sister?) Novice:Yes! Nema! Meister:Ho hatana hara he.(Bow in all 4 directions.)Hor Hata Hem! I climb downwards into the BAPHOMETICUR - into the womb of time and with Kuf-en openAthor and Reah. I have the seal of the hasteningaeon of the Baphometic continuum.
Master:Through time and space I call to you, whose powersupports the throne of the almighty! Rush here Ignis-Reah.Schin Sssasasshaschin Sch...inn. Aer-Ha Huusi si oh...oh...hiiiuii. Acqua-Muor manao suisch serisch aomm. Terra-Ruomtrom ruor ara ho. Rush here your power and help perform thiswork. Master:Brother/Sister, do you love the BAPHOMETIC-LUCIFERIAN? Novice:Yes! Master. Master:Lux e tenebris lucet!(The light that shines from the darkness.) Master:Brother/Sister, in nomine demiurgi dei nostriBaphometis, by the power of my office as high priestof Baphomet, I initiate you to novice of ORDO BAPHOMETIS. Master:Brother/Sister ... exists no more.From now on you willuse the lodge name .... Thus you are magically connectedeternally with the astral-etheric being. You will openyourself constantly to this magical being on all threelevels. Master:Brother/Sister, are you prepared to submit yourself to theBaphometic-magical practices of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS and bea true servant to BAPHOMET? Novice:Yes, great guardian and high priest of the Dark Light! Master:Let us now perform the novice initiation ritual! Novice:(disrobes completely.) The master leads the novice three times around the magicalcircle, imagining a dark-violet light, which slowly descendsover this secret ceremony and envelopes the group. Master:(Now the sex-magic initiation is performed through the coitusritual.During orgasm, the master and novice merge with the divineBaphometic light and become one.) Master:The work is complete!We thank you, BAPHOMET, the almighty architect of all worlds!We are now a cosmic unity!We are one magical will! We are one Baphometic power! We areone Luciferian strength!Great architect of all worlds, be merciful and give us yourstrength in the name of the upper and lower currents of theCOSMIC PLEROMAS! THE BAPHOMETIC LIGHT RITUAL (The temple is completely black. 3 black candlesstand on the altar. Two candles symbolize the YONIand the LINGAM. The third candle symbolizes theGODDESS BAPHOMAE.) Priestess:Yallah - Yallah - Yallah - Uuualam - Uuuaalaam -Ruuaaoom - Ruuaaoom. Priest:Yallah - Yallah - Yallah - Uuoom - Uuoom -Uuoom. Priestess:Let the gnostic light be illuminated baphometicallywith your Lingam in my YONI!Illuminate the Baphometic universe with your PHALLUS! Priest:I, Sacerdos Maximos, illuminate the depths ofthe secret VAG with the Lingam and call to theastral beings, so that the plans of the Luciferianhierarchy can be executed to satisfaction.YALLAH - YALLAH - YALLAH - RUORUM - RUORUM -RUORUM.(A black candle is lit.) Priestess:You Exorial beings from the secret VAG come forthnow, illuminating us with the true Baphometic gnosisand leading us to diabolical perfection!YALLAH - YALLAH -YALLAH - RUORUM - RUORUM -RUORUM. THE LESSER BAPHOMETIC RITUAL Lodge:(Black and red primarily. Two large black candles.Silver chalice. Paten. Wine. Prayer to BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE Priest:Universal Baphometic substance, thou highest cosmicsanctuary in the Black Universe!Thou highest being in the Typhonian KETHER, supreme abyssof unfathomable STRENGTH and POWER!Infinite kultus in the mystical-gnostic SPERMATOZOON!To You we pray, to You we call! We love You!Give us strength, love, gnostic realization, happinessand pleasure!Give us strength for the execution of this ritual!Your will occurs in the BAPHOMETUM as on earth!So be it!Music. Priest:Introibo ad altare dei nostrae Baphometis etBaphomae.Praise be to you in the Baphometum and on the earth.We, your worshippers and adorers, call you to manifestin our midst and to lend us your strength. Priestess:Your priestess calls you to manifest in our magical-gnostic circle and to grant us your light and thestrength to persevere. Priest:Priestess makes the symbol BAPH!(Index finger and thumb of the left hand form a circle.The priestess sticks the index finger of the right handinto the circle.) Priest:BAPH, the fourfold SAKRAMENTOR in the cosmos, is thegreat kabbalistic secret of the adepts in the Order. Priest:KYRIE Kyrie, eleison!Kyrie, eleison!Kyrie, eleison!Baphomete, eleison!Baphomete, eleison!Baphomete, eleison!Baphomae, eleison!Baphomae, eleison!Baphomae, eleison! GLORIA Priest:Gloria in excelsis Baphometo. Et in terra paxhominibus bonae voluntatis.Baphomete:Amamus te, adoramus te, laudamus te,benedicimus te, glorificamus te! (The priest makes the sign BAPH.)
ORDO BAPHOMETIS OCCULTIS O...B...C... The ORDO BAPHOMETIS OCCULTIS is a secret Order in the ORDOBAPHOMETIS.It is a high-magic machine or magical mandala,which exists on the ethereal plane. This magical machine will visibly manifest in the near futurein the ORDO BAPHOMETIS. The main retreat is named: BAPHOCUM The ORDO BAPHOMETIS OCCULTIS has a secret geometrical-mathematical structure and form:
It has 5 magical space stations - visible and invisible. Inthese 5 space stations various evocations and invocations,which serve as magical aids, allow communication thoughthese instruments with the spheres of the geniuses. By meansof these 5 space stations one can gain access to the secretOrder overall in other dimensions and parallel worlds. The function of this "Inner Order" is to investigate andexamine the secret BAPHOMETUM. Even the highest adept ofthe ORDO BAPHOMETIS has not yet succeeded in perceiving thesecret nature of the BAPHOMETUMS and in roughly exploring it. THE TEACHINGS OF THE ORDO BAPHOMETIS 1. There is no "white" and "black" magic. It depends only on the respective intellectual evaluation of the magician, who lets this or that practice come to pass. 2. It is not based on a demonization or Satanization of various worlds, but around a "release" of certain energies. 3. Through the Baphometic Masses and rituals, very subtle vibrations are produced, which are intended to magically shape a gnostic sanctum in which the adepts of the "Black Hierarchy" work at the construction of the anti-cosmos. Here certain thoughtforms are electronically consecrated for projection into the material world. 4. In the universe harmony must prevail! Through the magical rituals and masses of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS, a polarization of the material world is prevented. Through the magical-gnostic work in the Order, a esoteric- magical evolution consistent with the Cosmic Hierarchy is ensured. 5. The magical energies and vibrations released by the ORDO BAPHOMETIS are absorbed by the Higher Hierarchy, channelled and used for higher purposes. 6. The BAPHOMETISMUS is the oldest magical system of the "black adepts". It is a high circle, if not necessarily the highest, because it works around negatively polarized energies and structures in the metaphysical continuum. 7. This magical teaching system is mathematically expressed and formulated around negative potential, around negative wavelengths, around negative-imaginary units and associations, around negative curvature units. 8. Our duty consists of: to negatively charge the nucleus of the magical atom, or to charge the permanent atom of the psychological-physical world with negative electrons. 9. AGARTHI, the secret magical center, intensely radiates its dark-violet rays into the aura of the chosen ones in order to provide them with the Baphometic-Agarthic legends, so that they can obtain further secret teachings. 10. It does not concern a war about authority in this world, but a great holy glorification of people to the higher or lower hierarchy. 11. The function of the "Black Hierarchy" is to project a negatively charged state into the atomic structure of the PERMANENTUMS; to teach the use of BAPHOMEN. 666 GRIMORIUM SANCTISSIMUM BAPHOMETIS SEXUALIS velTHE HIGH MAGIC SEXUAL MASS OF BAPHOMET (The temple is lined in black. On the altar is a skull,2 black candles, the chalice, the "Black Book", incenseburner.) Priest:Arcanum Arcanorum quod continet nondum revelandumipsis regibus supremis ORDO BAPHOMETIS = O...B...Grimorum quod Baphomet C° S... suo fecit.(This is the secret, which up to now has been revealedby no high governing master of the O...B... It is thegrimoire composed by Baphomet 100.°) TEMPLUM Oriente:Altare Occidente:Tabula Dei invocandi(Table for the invocation of the god Baphomet.) Septentrione:Sacerdos Maximus Meridione:Ignis cum thribulo(Fire and incense) Centro:Lapis quadratus cum...Imagine Dei MaximiIngentis Nefandi Ineffabilis Sanctissimi etcum ferro, tintinnabulo, eleo. Virgo. Stetimago juxta librum BAPHOM. 3x Gong! Music! Priest:Salutem in nomine Demiurgi Dei Nostri BAPHOMETIS!Introibo ad altare Dei Domini Inferi.(The priest strikes the pentagram 3x! He bows deeplybefore Baphomet.)Fratres et Sorores,We have come to this highly holy place to celebratethe GRIMORIUM SANCTISSIMUM BAPHOMETIS SEXUALIS underthe auspices of our highest master ...BAPHOMET...Are you all prepared to celebrate this secret ritualas a magical sacrament of the red-white emanationwith pure hearts? ALL:Yes! High priest of the gnostic PLEROMAS.(The priest waves incense in the temple in all directions.He turns to the west and invokes the GREAT BAPHOMET!) INVOCATIO BAPHOMETIS Priest:As priest of the secret BAPH ET OM, I call to you,great and secret god of the Baphometums, to assistus in our magical work of the GREAT WORK OF LINGAMAND YONI. Send us your strength and power. Enlightenand lead us on our path into the INFINITE MYSTERIESOF YOUR GNOSTICUMS.(Make the sign of the gnostic mysteries of BAPH, middlefinger and thumb closed and forefinger across.) Priestess:I, O Great Baphomet, your secret and scarlet priestess,dedicate myself with absolute devotion to the GreatWork. I will always conscientiously carry out Your Will,as it is written in the secret statutes of the ORDOBAPHOMETIS.The Scarlet Whore is the magical vacuum, in which theArcanum Baphometis Sexualis leads. Through the ScarletWhore the immortal HOMUNCULUS is created and activatedin the PLEROMIC EGREGOR. Priestess:I, contributor of the "RED LION", am a true mystery,only to be known by the hermetic circle of Baph et Om.I, the Scarlet Whore, the Hyle of the secret elixer andthe forbidden blood; through me is the Great Workcompleted.(Drops the cloak and exposes herself to the high priest.Spreads her legs and shoves her abdomen forward. The armsstretch sideways and up, head to the back, with piercingthumbs.)High priest, do you recognize me? The Scarlet Whore inthe hermetic sanctum of KENOMA and PLEROMA. Priest:I still do not recognize you!(Remove the hood.) CEREMONIA PRINCIPIIPurification of the Virgin Priestess:Asperge me, BAPHOMET hyssopo, et mundabor;Lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor,(and lays her robe down with the words) per sanctumMysterium et Magicum Satanicum Baphometis etBabalon. Priest:Asperge me, Babalon, hyssopo, et mundabor,lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.(He removes his hood) ORATIONES DEI OPERIS Priestess:Calls: NUIT - BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE,High gods and goddesses of a Cosmic Mystery, supportme in the Great Work, which is to be performed inthis Order's work.I call to you: NUIT - BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE,send me the required energies and power, in orderto let the dark light shine forth from the secretmatter. Priestess:See! The Perfect One has said, the elements of mybody have been examined and found pure, a golden prize.You Perfect One of Baph, may your flood flow throughme - through lymph, marrow and blood! The scourge,dagger and chain cleanse body, heart and mind.Hail, Hoor-Apep! You sword of steel! Alpha and Deltaand Epsilon met in the shadow of the pillar andproclaimed in the Jota the tenfold heart and theflaming crown.Hail, Hoor-Apep! Unspeakable Name!Hail, NUIT - BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE! CEREMONIA THURIBULI Priestess:(She is to arouse the fire and the priest with herhands and say:)"Accendat in nobis Dominus ignem sui amoris etflammam aeternae caritatis."(The priestess masturbates the priest's phallus andimagines that her "inner fire" passes into it.) Priestess:Goddess of the Night "NUIT", fill me with your secretfire of the darkness and channel it into the holy staffof the high priest, so that it is inflamed and the"white nectar" rises to impregnate your Scarlet Daughter! CEREMONIA DEDICATIONIS (Invocet virgo Imaginem Dei MINIS his verbis.The virgin calls the seal of the god MINIS =Maximi Ingentis Nefandi Ineffabilis Sanctissimi- with these words: "Tu qui es praeter omnia..."Nec relinquet alteram Imaginem.) Priestess:You, who are beyond all ... abandon not the otherform. You, who stand beyond time and space and are yoursecret source of red and white blood, abandon not theother form! CREATION OF THE MAGICAL CHAIN CONGREGATION:WE ARE ONE BAPHOMETIC POWER!WE ARE ONE LUCIFERIAN STRENGTH!!WE ARE ONE BAPHOMETIC WILL! (5 minutes concentration!) SACRIFICIUM SUMMUM (Wafers and wine are carried to the brothers and sisters.) PriestI enter the HOLY of HOLIES. See! See! See! Two,without interruption, become ONE, singing with asonorous voice the words of the holy verses. Priest:Priestess of Baph, receive now the holy communionof the white blood, which is offered to the HighDark God BAPHOMET in the tabernacle of the BAPHOMETICDAMONIUM. Priestess:High priest of Baph, I am prepared to receivethe holy communion of the white blood from you.See! I expose the secret sanctuary of LINGAM ANDYONI to you.(The priestess exposes her yoni to the priest.)(Now both perform the MAITHUNA.) REVIVAL OF THE HEAD CONGREGATION:(The head is in the center of the temple.The congregation forms a magical chain aroundthe HEAD.) We, the secret brotherhood of BAPH, call toyou, SHEM, the reviving universal power! Send your qliphotic light into this HEAD andrevive it!We raise the power of the 4 elements and sendthem to you.LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! YALLAH! YALLAH! YALLAH! BENEDICTIO BENEDICTUM (Extended in a Tau, the priestess announces thesewords:) Priestess:"Quia patris et filii et spiritus sancti intabernaculo Baphometis?"Then in the secret tabernacle the coagulatio andsolutio are found in place of the true phoenix.It is in the place of the true Master of Baph,the priest and the priestess, that the materialsubstances are transformed in the ethereal matricesand new dimensions for high magic workings areopened. CEREMONIA FINIS Priest:(Makes the sign of completion: right hand over lefthand.)See! The Great Work is complete!The Perfect One has said that the elements of my bodyhave been examined and found to be pure, a golden prize.Smoke and wine and fire and bread, these I take, truesacraments, for the perfection of the oil.For I am wrapped in flesh and I am the eternal spirit.I am the man who has freshly risen from death, his gloryI inherit since I partake of him. I am the manifestationof the unseen. Without me it is as if the whole land ofKHEM and BAPH did not exist.HAIL BAPHOMET! HAIL BAPHOMAE! HAIL BABALON!HAIL NUIT! HAIL SATANAS! HAIL LUCIFER! AUMGN ALL:NUIT - BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE - BABALON - LILITH 666 THE VISIBLE UNIVERSE AS A MANIFESTATION OF THE BAPHOMAE The term "BAPHOMAE" was introduced by me and I understand it asfollows: the "True Self" of BAPHOMET. It - BAPHOMAE - is the primordial cosmic substance, which hasalways existed and always will exist. It is the indefinable essencethat continually creates new universes and etherealizes universes.It stands behind the AIN SOPH AUR of the kabbalistic tree of life. To the initiate, BAPHOMAE is visible through the visible universein ALL. Through the visible universe, BAPHOMAE is expressed in itslowest octave. The visible universe serves as a medium throughwhich BAPHOMAE can be revealed to its devotees. BAPHOMAE speaks through the physical matrix to its children andnovices. But these visible sectors of the cosmos are only one tenthof the true nature of this incomprehensible being. In order tounderstand and grasp BAPHOMAE correctly, we must magically-gnosticlytranscend visible matter to attain the first steps and initiationstations. BAPHOMAE embodies the female aspect and consequently thepurely diabolic-gnostic path of Baphomet. We devotees and worshippers of the BAPHOMET-PRINCIPLE describeBAPHOMAE as the COSMIC WOMB (UTERUS), which is the originator ofBAPHOMAEIC SEXUALITY. For without sexuality there is no universeand no humankind. BAPHOMETIC SEXUALITY is an elemental force and archaic energy ofterrific animalistic energetics and dynamics, which can be controlledand directed only by the higher adepts of the "INNER BAPHOM". BAPHOMAE continuously provides, in its capacity as primordial creatorof all universes, for a magical crystalization in the morpho-geneticfield of the physical plane. Our duty as devotees of Baphomet is towork against the etherealization of the planet earth by the beings ofthe spiritual hierarchy. BAPHOMAE endeavors to emphasize the daemonic-magical influx in itsvisible expression, because the PRIMORDIAL-UNIVERSE has always beenseen in its true sense and version in the SUPER-DAEMON. We worshipBAPHOMAE as our GREAT GODDESS underlying the BAPHOMET-PRINCIPLE andto us she is power, life and all of our wishes fulfilled. HAIL BAPHOMAE! MONITA SECRETA ORDINIS BAPHOMETIS 1.1. Each brother/sister is obligated to remain silent to all profane and non-members about all cults, rituals, applications and in particular the teachings of the O.B. 2. All speech, writing or print relating to the Order is not to be published without special permission of the high priest. 3. Each brother/sister must keep the lodge implements, lodge writings, study booklets, printed matter, degree certificates, lodge vestments and cult items safely locked up. 4. Each brother/sister is obligated to participate in the celebration of the MISSA BAPHOMETIS. 2.1. The O.B. worships BAPHOMET/BAPHOMAE as the true and highest MAGICAL PRINCIPLE in the universe. 2. Each brother/sister must prostrate and worship before the BAPHOMET-STATUE. 3. All initiations are to be carried out in the OCCULTUM BAPHOMETUM. 3.1. One must give absolute obedience to the IPSISSIMUS of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS. 2. Each brother/sister must submit to the inverted pentagram and the sigil of BAPH and perform the directives and revelations of the O.B. 4.1. The BAPHNO is the eschatological OPUS BAPHOMETIS, and these teachings are compulsory for all members. 2. The IPSISSIMUS is the representative in the visible BAPHOM of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS. He receives his instructions and information directly from BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE. 5.1. The GLYPHEN (meeting) takes place once per month. Each brother/sister is obligated to participate in the GLYPHEN. 2. The RITUALS of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS may never be modified. 3. All rituals of the Order are to be celebrated with the greatest concentration and devotion. 6.1. THE LAW OF THE ORDO BAPHOMETIS IS: B A P H O M 2. The members of the O.B. address each other in OCCULTUM or GLYPHEN with their lodge names. 7.1. Each brother/sister completes a pact with the DAEMONIC EGREGOR after the first initiation. 2. All members of the O.B. greet one another with: "NEMESKAR BAPHOMAE - BAPHOMET". 3. Each brother/sister must store an ordination consolamentum (baptism, initiation). 4. Each brother/sister must keep a solemn vow: "I promise, for all eternity, to dedicate myself to BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE and their teachings, as well as my life thereafter, and to never betray my faith, whatever death threatens me." 8.1. Each brother/sister must undergo the MELIORAMENTUM. It consists of a ceremony in which the novice bows three times before the PAPAM TENEBRARUM and speaks: "Pray to the LORD of the DARKNESS for us, so that we may go the way of the ABYSS in truth. So be it!" 9.1. Once per year the APARELHAMENTUM occurs. It is a sort of public confession or, better said, public repentance. In this process the UNKNOWN SUPERIORS of the Order impose penance upon the novices. 10.1. The LAZEDAEMONIC CRYPTA: Each brother/sister must undergo a dangerous rite, in order to prove his/her courage to the ORDO. 2. Each brother/sister considers: ALL POWER AND STRENGTH COME FROM THE HEAD! 3. BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE is the symbol of the GREAT GOD, which alone created the sky and the earth. 4. YALLAH signifies the GOD of LIGHT. CONCLUSION BAPHOM - BAPHOM - BAPHOM. THE LAW OF THE NEW AEON!The hieroglyphs of the dark-violet eyes, which glow fromthe indefinable BAPHOMETUM, illuminated in the height ofrevelation, resound in me as follows:"In you lie sin and redemption. The earth is a dark silhouettethat is mirrored in the astral-etheric ocean. In this mirroreverything is inverted. Thus evil is good and good is evil.Destruction is the construction of matter and death is birth.Enjoyment is the Fall, accumulation and saving are debt,martyrdom is redemption. Upon reaching the lowest point of the deepest magical abyss,you can swing up to the highest goal. In the vaults of the deepest darkness sleeps the seed of thedivine light. Seek! You must undergo the transmutation simultaneously on allthree planes. The transmutation is your release. You must departfor a long time, study and experiment, until you have solved thesecret of the three magic codes, which open simultaneously. You must find the MATERIA PRIMA! You must discover, as eachBAPHOMETIC ELEMENT, death, decay and resurrection in oneself.You must penetrate to the great, dark mother's womb - BAPHOMAE -from which the gnostic life flows. This is the cogent point ofthe material plane, and the bond loosens only at this point. All possibilities exist on this earth: the possibility ofperdition, but also of resurrection. Mankind is the crystallineintersection point of all boundaries. Magus, you have now become the ruler of three worlds. You havenow finally relaxed your own bonds, having extracted your powerover gross and subtle matter. Now, because they are with you,you can rule over them. Determination no longer binds you. Youknow the secret gateway to the magical BAPHOMETUM and hold thekey in your hand. You can choose and decide freely, unbound bythe laws of the body. You can migrate into the secret realm of BAPHOMET, penetratinginto the unbounded world of the infinitely small and the infinitelylarge. You have become the true ruler of the MICROCOSM and theMACROCOSM." REGNUM BAPHOMETIS INTRA NOS EST! 666 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aythos: Die FRATERNITAS SATURNI - eine saturn-magische Loge, München 1979David-Neel, A.: Heilige und Hexer, Leipzig 1932Huysmans, J. K.: Tief unten, Mönchengladbach 1963Levi, E.: Trancendental Magic, London 1964Spunda, F.: Baphomet, Villach O.J.Séde, G. de: Die Templer sind unter uns - oder das Rätsel von Gisors, Berlin 1963Szepes, M.: Der rote Löwe, München 1984Waite, A. E.: The book of ceremonial magic, New York 1961Zacharias, G.: Satanskult und Schwarze Messe, Wiesbaden 1964 The Author Class of 1939 - Abitur - studies in psychology, philosophy,theology, mathematics, economic science and politics. Doctorof Psychology (Ps.D.) at the College of Metaphysics, USA.Philosohy professor from 1975 to 1983 at the Cooperating Studyof Economic Science and Politics at UNISA = University of SouthAfrica, Pretoria. Member of the following organisations: ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS(OTO), ORDO BAPHOMETIS, OTOA, MONASTERY OFTHE SEVEN RAYS, LA COULEUVRE NOIRE, LOGE KETHER, PARIS,AMOOKOS, ORDEN DER DEUTSCHEN GOLD - UND ROSENKREUZER, AMORC,TEMPLE OF SET, ORDO PENTALPHAE, ORDO TEMPLI BAPHOMETIS ANTIQUA =(OTBA), ECCLESIA GNOSTICA MYSTERIORUM, BRUDERSCHAFT VON AGARTHI,GROSSE SCHWARZE BRUDERSCHAFT. Specialized in Magic, Kabbalah and gnostic sexual magic. Publications:Aythos: Die Fraternitas Saturni - eine saturn-magische Loge,München 1979;"Über Präzipitation", in "Begegnungen im Wort". Anthologie,Frankfurt 1986;"Baphomet". Anthologie - "Wege im Zeitkreis", Frankfurt 1986;"Agarthi - Mysterium der Mysterien", in "Gedanken zeichnenSpuren". Anthologie, Frankfurt 1986;Veröffentlichungen in verschiedenen Zeitschriften.
http://user.cyberlink.ch/~koenig/dplanet/stephen/ob/der_ordo_baphometis_en.htmlEvocation symbolfor the attractionof Baphometicentities. Sigil of Baphomet
Master:Salutem in nomine demiurgi Baphometis!Ha Kochren ha tai-alal?(Are you prepared to give everything, brother/sister?) Novice:Yes! Nema! Meister:Ho hatana hara he.(Bow in all 4 directions.)Hor Hata Hem! I climb downwards into the BAPHOMETICUR - into the womb of time and with Kuf-en openAthor and Reah. I have the seal of the hasteningaeon of the Baphometic continuum.
Master:Through time and space I call to you, whose powersupports the throne of the almighty! Rush here Ignis-Reah.Schin Sssasasshaschin Sch...inn. Aer-Ha Huusi si oh...oh...hiiiuii. Acqua-Muor manao suisch serisch aomm. Terra-Ruomtrom ruor ara ho. Rush here your power and help perform thiswork. Master:Brother/Sister, do you love the BAPHOMETIC-LUCIFERIAN? Novice:Yes! Master. Master:Lux e tenebris lucet!(The light that shines from the darkness.) Master:Brother/Sister, in nomine demiurgi dei nostriBaphometis, by the power of my office as high priestof Baphomet, I initiate you to novice of ORDO BAPHOMETIS. Master:Brother/Sister ... exists no more.From now on you willuse the lodge name .... Thus you are magically connectedeternally with the astral-etheric being. You will openyourself constantly to this magical being on all threelevels. Master:Brother/Sister, are you prepared to submit yourself to theBaphometic-magical practices of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS and bea true servant to BAPHOMET? Novice:Yes, great guardian and high priest of the Dark Light! Master:Let us now perform the novice initiation ritual! Novice:(disrobes completely.) The master leads the novice three times around the magicalcircle, imagining a dark-violet light, which slowly descendsover this secret ceremony and envelopes the group. Master:(Now the sex-magic initiation is performed through the coitusritual.During orgasm, the master and novice merge with the divineBaphometic light and become one.) Master:The work is complete!We thank you, BAPHOMET, the almighty architect of all worlds!We are now a cosmic unity!We are one magical will! We are one Baphometic power! We areone Luciferian strength!Great architect of all worlds, be merciful and give us yourstrength in the name of the upper and lower currents of theCOSMIC PLEROMAS! THE BAPHOMETIC LIGHT RITUAL (The temple is completely black. 3 black candlesstand on the altar. Two candles symbolize the YONIand the LINGAM. The third candle symbolizes theGODDESS BAPHOMAE.) Priestess:Yallah - Yallah - Yallah - Uuualam - Uuuaalaam -Ruuaaoom - Ruuaaoom. Priest:Yallah - Yallah - Yallah - Uuoom - Uuoom -Uuoom. Priestess:Let the gnostic light be illuminated baphometicallywith your Lingam in my YONI!Illuminate the Baphometic universe with your PHALLUS! Priest:I, Sacerdos Maximos, illuminate the depths ofthe secret VAG with the Lingam and call to theastral beings, so that the plans of the Luciferianhierarchy can be executed to satisfaction.YALLAH - YALLAH - YALLAH - RUORUM - RUORUM -RUORUM.(A black candle is lit.) Priestess:You Exorial beings from the secret VAG come forthnow, illuminating us with the true Baphometic gnosisand leading us to diabolical perfection!YALLAH - YALLAH -YALLAH - RUORUM - RUORUM -RUORUM. THE LESSER BAPHOMETIC RITUAL Lodge:(Black and red primarily. Two large black candles.Silver chalice. Paten. Wine. Prayer to BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE Priest:Universal Baphometic substance, thou highest cosmicsanctuary in the Black Universe!Thou highest being in the Typhonian KETHER, supreme abyssof unfathomable STRENGTH and POWER!Infinite kultus in the mystical-gnostic SPERMATOZOON!To You we pray, to You we call! We love You!Give us strength, love, gnostic realization, happinessand pleasure!Give us strength for the execution of this ritual!Your will occurs in the BAPHOMETUM as on earth!So be it!Music. Priest:Introibo ad altare dei nostrae Baphometis etBaphomae.Praise be to you in the Baphometum and on the earth.We, your worshippers and adorers, call you to manifestin our midst and to lend us your strength. Priestess:Your priestess calls you to manifest in our magical-gnostic circle and to grant us your light and thestrength to persevere. Priest:Priestess makes the symbol BAPH!(Index finger and thumb of the left hand form a circle.The priestess sticks the index finger of the right handinto the circle.) Priest:BAPH, the fourfold SAKRAMENTOR in the cosmos, is thegreat kabbalistic secret of the adepts in the Order. Priest:KYRIE Kyrie, eleison!Kyrie, eleison!Kyrie, eleison!Baphomete, eleison!Baphomete, eleison!Baphomete, eleison!Baphomae, eleison!Baphomae, eleison!Baphomae, eleison! GLORIA Priest:Gloria in excelsis Baphometo. Et in terra paxhominibus bonae voluntatis.Baphomete:Amamus te, adoramus te, laudamus te,benedicimus te, glorificamus te! (The priest makes the sign BAPH.)
ORDO BAPHOMETIS OCCULTIS O...B...C... The ORDO BAPHOMETIS OCCULTIS is a secret Order in the ORDOBAPHOMETIS.It is a high-magic machine or magical mandala,which exists on the ethereal plane. This magical machine will visibly manifest in the near futurein the ORDO BAPHOMETIS. The main retreat is named: BAPHOCUM The ORDO BAPHOMETIS OCCULTIS has a secret geometrical-mathematical structure and form:
It has 5 magical space stations - visible and invisible. Inthese 5 space stations various evocations and invocations,which serve as magical aids, allow communication thoughthese instruments with the spheres of the geniuses. By meansof these 5 space stations one can gain access to the secretOrder overall in other dimensions and parallel worlds. The function of this "Inner Order" is to investigate andexamine the secret BAPHOMETUM. Even the highest adept ofthe ORDO BAPHOMETIS has not yet succeeded in perceiving thesecret nature of the BAPHOMETUMS and in roughly exploring it. THE TEACHINGS OF THE ORDO BAPHOMETIS 1. There is no "white" and "black" magic. It depends only on the respective intellectual evaluation of the magician, who lets this or that practice come to pass. 2. It is not based on a demonization or Satanization of various worlds, but around a "release" of certain energies. 3. Through the Baphometic Masses and rituals, very subtle vibrations are produced, which are intended to magically shape a gnostic sanctum in which the adepts of the "Black Hierarchy" work at the construction of the anti-cosmos. Here certain thoughtforms are electronically consecrated for projection into the material world. 4. In the universe harmony must prevail! Through the magical rituals and masses of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS, a polarization of the material world is prevented. Through the magical-gnostic work in the Order, a esoteric- magical evolution consistent with the Cosmic Hierarchy is ensured. 5. The magical energies and vibrations released by the ORDO BAPHOMETIS are absorbed by the Higher Hierarchy, channelled and used for higher purposes. 6. The BAPHOMETISMUS is the oldest magical system of the "black adepts". It is a high circle, if not necessarily the highest, because it works around negatively polarized energies and structures in the metaphysical continuum. 7. This magical teaching system is mathematically expressed and formulated around negative potential, around negative wavelengths, around negative-imaginary units and associations, around negative curvature units. 8. Our duty consists of: to negatively charge the nucleus of the magical atom, or to charge the permanent atom of the psychological-physical world with negative electrons. 9. AGARTHI, the secret magical center, intensely radiates its dark-violet rays into the aura of the chosen ones in order to provide them with the Baphometic-Agarthic legends, so that they can obtain further secret teachings. 10. It does not concern a war about authority in this world, but a great holy glorification of people to the higher or lower hierarchy. 11. The function of the "Black Hierarchy" is to project a negatively charged state into the atomic structure of the PERMANENTUMS; to teach the use of BAPHOMEN. 666 GRIMORIUM SANCTISSIMUM BAPHOMETIS SEXUALIS velTHE HIGH MAGIC SEXUAL MASS OF BAPHOMET (The temple is lined in black. On the altar is a skull,2 black candles, the chalice, the "Black Book", incenseburner.) Priest:Arcanum Arcanorum quod continet nondum revelandumipsis regibus supremis ORDO BAPHOMETIS = O...B...Grimorum quod Baphomet C° S... suo fecit.(This is the secret, which up to now has been revealedby no high governing master of the O...B... It is thegrimoire composed by Baphomet 100.°) TEMPLUM Oriente:Altare Occidente:Tabula Dei invocandi(Table for the invocation of the god Baphomet.) Septentrione:Sacerdos Maximus Meridione:Ignis cum thribulo(Fire and incense) Centro:Lapis quadratus cum...Imagine Dei MaximiIngentis Nefandi Ineffabilis Sanctissimi etcum ferro, tintinnabulo, eleo. Virgo. Stetimago juxta librum BAPHOM. 3x Gong! Music! Priest:Salutem in nomine Demiurgi Dei Nostri BAPHOMETIS!Introibo ad altare Dei Domini Inferi.(The priest strikes the pentagram 3x! He bows deeplybefore Baphomet.)Fratres et Sorores,We have come to this highly holy place to celebratethe GRIMORIUM SANCTISSIMUM BAPHOMETIS SEXUALIS underthe auspices of our highest master ...BAPHOMET...Are you all prepared to celebrate this secret ritualas a magical sacrament of the red-white emanationwith pure hearts? ALL:Yes! High priest of the gnostic PLEROMAS.(The priest waves incense in the temple in all directions.He turns to the west and invokes the GREAT BAPHOMET!) INVOCATIO BAPHOMETIS Priest:As priest of the secret BAPH ET OM, I call to you,great and secret god of the Baphometums, to assistus in our magical work of the GREAT WORK OF LINGAMAND YONI. Send us your strength and power. Enlightenand lead us on our path into the INFINITE MYSTERIESOF YOUR GNOSTICUMS.(Make the sign of the gnostic mysteries of BAPH, middlefinger and thumb closed and forefinger across.) Priestess:I, O Great Baphomet, your secret and scarlet priestess,dedicate myself with absolute devotion to the GreatWork. I will always conscientiously carry out Your Will,as it is written in the secret statutes of the ORDOBAPHOMETIS.The Scarlet Whore is the magical vacuum, in which theArcanum Baphometis Sexualis leads. Through the ScarletWhore the immortal HOMUNCULUS is created and activatedin the PLEROMIC EGREGOR. Priestess:I, contributor of the "RED LION", am a true mystery,only to be known by the hermetic circle of Baph et Om.I, the Scarlet Whore, the Hyle of the secret elixer andthe forbidden blood; through me is the Great Workcompleted.(Drops the cloak and exposes herself to the high priest.Spreads her legs and shoves her abdomen forward. The armsstretch sideways and up, head to the back, with piercingthumbs.)High priest, do you recognize me? The Scarlet Whore inthe hermetic sanctum of KENOMA and PLEROMA. Priest:I still do not recognize you!(Remove the hood.) CEREMONIA PRINCIPIIPurification of the Virgin Priestess:Asperge me, BAPHOMET hyssopo, et mundabor;Lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor,(and lays her robe down with the words) per sanctumMysterium et Magicum Satanicum Baphometis etBabalon. Priest:Asperge me, Babalon, hyssopo, et mundabor,lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.(He removes his hood) ORATIONES DEI OPERIS Priestess:Calls: NUIT - BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE,High gods and goddesses of a Cosmic Mystery, supportme in the Great Work, which is to be performed inthis Order's work.I call to you: NUIT - BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE,send me the required energies and power, in orderto let the dark light shine forth from the secretmatter. Priestess:See! The Perfect One has said, the elements of mybody have been examined and found pure, a golden prize.You Perfect One of Baph, may your flood flow throughme - through lymph, marrow and blood! The scourge,dagger and chain cleanse body, heart and mind.Hail, Hoor-Apep! You sword of steel! Alpha and Deltaand Epsilon met in the shadow of the pillar andproclaimed in the Jota the tenfold heart and theflaming crown.Hail, Hoor-Apep! Unspeakable Name!Hail, NUIT - BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE! CEREMONIA THURIBULI Priestess:(She is to arouse the fire and the priest with herhands and say:)"Accendat in nobis Dominus ignem sui amoris etflammam aeternae caritatis."(The priestess masturbates the priest's phallus andimagines that her "inner fire" passes into it.) Priestess:Goddess of the Night "NUIT", fill me with your secretfire of the darkness and channel it into the holy staffof the high priest, so that it is inflamed and the"white nectar" rises to impregnate your Scarlet Daughter! CEREMONIA DEDICATIONIS (Invocet virgo Imaginem Dei MINIS his verbis.The virgin calls the seal of the god MINIS =Maximi Ingentis Nefandi Ineffabilis Sanctissimi- with these words: "Tu qui es praeter omnia..."Nec relinquet alteram Imaginem.) Priestess:You, who are beyond all ... abandon not the otherform. You, who stand beyond time and space and are yoursecret source of red and white blood, abandon not theother form! CREATION OF THE MAGICAL CHAIN CONGREGATION:WE ARE ONE BAPHOMETIC POWER!WE ARE ONE LUCIFERIAN STRENGTH!!WE ARE ONE BAPHOMETIC WILL! (5 minutes concentration!) SACRIFICIUM SUMMUM (Wafers and wine are carried to the brothers and sisters.) PriestI enter the HOLY of HOLIES. See! See! See! Two,without interruption, become ONE, singing with asonorous voice the words of the holy verses. Priest:Priestess of Baph, receive now the holy communionof the white blood, which is offered to the HighDark God BAPHOMET in the tabernacle of the BAPHOMETICDAMONIUM. Priestess:High priest of Baph, I am prepared to receivethe holy communion of the white blood from you.See! I expose the secret sanctuary of LINGAM ANDYONI to you.(The priestess exposes her yoni to the priest.)(Now both perform the MAITHUNA.) REVIVAL OF THE HEAD CONGREGATION:(The head is in the center of the temple.The congregation forms a magical chain aroundthe HEAD.) We, the secret brotherhood of BAPH, call toyou, SHEM, the reviving universal power! Send your qliphotic light into this HEAD andrevive it!We raise the power of the 4 elements and sendthem to you.LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! YALLAH! YALLAH! YALLAH! BENEDICTIO BENEDICTUM (Extended in a Tau, the priestess announces thesewords:) Priestess:"Quia patris et filii et spiritus sancti intabernaculo Baphometis?"Then in the secret tabernacle the coagulatio andsolutio are found in place of the true phoenix.It is in the place of the true Master of Baph,the priest and the priestess, that the materialsubstances are transformed in the ethereal matricesand new dimensions for high magic workings areopened. CEREMONIA FINIS Priest:(Makes the sign of completion: right hand over lefthand.)See! The Great Work is complete!The Perfect One has said that the elements of my bodyhave been examined and found to be pure, a golden prize.Smoke and wine and fire and bread, these I take, truesacraments, for the perfection of the oil.For I am wrapped in flesh and I am the eternal spirit.I am the man who has freshly risen from death, his gloryI inherit since I partake of him. I am the manifestationof the unseen. Without me it is as if the whole land ofKHEM and BAPH did not exist.HAIL BAPHOMET! HAIL BAPHOMAE! HAIL BABALON!HAIL NUIT! HAIL SATANAS! HAIL LUCIFER! AUMGN ALL:NUIT - BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE - BABALON - LILITH 666 THE VISIBLE UNIVERSE AS A MANIFESTATION OF THE BAPHOMAE The term "BAPHOMAE" was introduced by me and I understand it asfollows: the "True Self" of BAPHOMET. It - BAPHOMAE - is the primordial cosmic substance, which hasalways existed and always will exist. It is the indefinable essencethat continually creates new universes and etherealizes universes.It stands behind the AIN SOPH AUR of the kabbalistic tree of life. To the initiate, BAPHOMAE is visible through the visible universein ALL. Through the visible universe, BAPHOMAE is expressed in itslowest octave. The visible universe serves as a medium throughwhich BAPHOMAE can be revealed to its devotees. BAPHOMAE speaks through the physical matrix to its children andnovices. But these visible sectors of the cosmos are only one tenthof the true nature of this incomprehensible being. In order tounderstand and grasp BAPHOMAE correctly, we must magically-gnosticlytranscend visible matter to attain the first steps and initiationstations. BAPHOMAE embodies the female aspect and consequently thepurely diabolic-gnostic path of Baphomet. We devotees and worshippers of the BAPHOMET-PRINCIPLE describeBAPHOMAE as the COSMIC WOMB (UTERUS), which is the originator ofBAPHOMAEIC SEXUALITY. For without sexuality there is no universeand no humankind. BAPHOMETIC SEXUALITY is an elemental force and archaic energy ofterrific animalistic energetics and dynamics, which can be controlledand directed only by the higher adepts of the "INNER BAPHOM". BAPHOMAE continuously provides, in its capacity as primordial creatorof all universes, for a magical crystalization in the morpho-geneticfield of the physical plane. Our duty as devotees of Baphomet is towork against the etherealization of the planet earth by the beings ofthe spiritual hierarchy. BAPHOMAE endeavors to emphasize the daemonic-magical influx in itsvisible expression, because the PRIMORDIAL-UNIVERSE has always beenseen in its true sense and version in the SUPER-DAEMON. We worshipBAPHOMAE as our GREAT GODDESS underlying the BAPHOMET-PRINCIPLE andto us she is power, life and all of our wishes fulfilled. HAIL BAPHOMAE! MONITA SECRETA ORDINIS BAPHOMETIS 1.1. Each brother/sister is obligated to remain silent to all profane and non-members about all cults, rituals, applications and in particular the teachings of the O.B. 2. All speech, writing or print relating to the Order is not to be published without special permission of the high priest. 3. Each brother/sister must keep the lodge implements, lodge writings, study booklets, printed matter, degree certificates, lodge vestments and cult items safely locked up. 4. Each brother/sister is obligated to participate in the celebration of the MISSA BAPHOMETIS. 2.1. The O.B. worships BAPHOMET/BAPHOMAE as the true and highest MAGICAL PRINCIPLE in the universe. 2. Each brother/sister must prostrate and worship before the BAPHOMET-STATUE. 3. All initiations are to be carried out in the OCCULTUM BAPHOMETUM. 3.1. One must give absolute obedience to the IPSISSIMUS of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS. 2. Each brother/sister must submit to the inverted pentagram and the sigil of BAPH and perform the directives and revelations of the O.B. 4.1. The BAPHNO is the eschatological OPUS BAPHOMETIS, and these teachings are compulsory for all members. 2. The IPSISSIMUS is the representative in the visible BAPHOM of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS. He receives his instructions and information directly from BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE. 5.1. The GLYPHEN (meeting) takes place once per month. Each brother/sister is obligated to participate in the GLYPHEN. 2. The RITUALS of the ORDO BAPHOMETIS may never be modified. 3. All rituals of the Order are to be celebrated with the greatest concentration and devotion. 6.1. THE LAW OF THE ORDO BAPHOMETIS IS: B A P H O M 2. The members of the O.B. address each other in OCCULTUM or GLYPHEN with their lodge names. 7.1. Each brother/sister completes a pact with the DAEMONIC EGREGOR after the first initiation. 2. All members of the O.B. greet one another with: "NEMESKAR BAPHOMAE - BAPHOMET". 3. Each brother/sister must store an ordination consolamentum (baptism, initiation). 4. Each brother/sister must keep a solemn vow: "I promise, for all eternity, to dedicate myself to BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE and their teachings, as well as my life thereafter, and to never betray my faith, whatever death threatens me." 8.1. Each brother/sister must undergo the MELIORAMENTUM. It consists of a ceremony in which the novice bows three times before the PAPAM TENEBRARUM and speaks: "Pray to the LORD of the DARKNESS for us, so that we may go the way of the ABYSS in truth. So be it!" 9.1. Once per year the APARELHAMENTUM occurs. It is a sort of public confession or, better said, public repentance. In this process the UNKNOWN SUPERIORS of the Order impose penance upon the novices. 10.1. The LAZEDAEMONIC CRYPTA: Each brother/sister must undergo a dangerous rite, in order to prove his/her courage to the ORDO. 2. Each brother/sister considers: ALL POWER AND STRENGTH COME FROM THE HEAD! 3. BAPHOMET - BAPHOMAE is the symbol of the GREAT GOD, which alone created the sky and the earth. 4. YALLAH signifies the GOD of LIGHT. CONCLUSION BAPHOM - BAPHOM - BAPHOM. THE LAW OF THE NEW AEON!The hieroglyphs of the dark-violet eyes, which glow fromthe indefinable BAPHOMETUM, illuminated in the height ofrevelation, resound in me as follows:"In you lie sin and redemption. The earth is a dark silhouettethat is mirrored in the astral-etheric ocean. In this mirroreverything is inverted. Thus evil is good and good is evil.Destruction is the construction of matter and death is birth.Enjoyment is the Fall, accumulation and saving are debt,martyrdom is redemption. Upon reaching the lowest point of the deepest magical abyss,you can swing up to the highest goal. In the vaults of the deepest darkness sleeps the seed of thedivine light. Seek! You must undergo the transmutation simultaneously on allthree planes. The transmutation is your release. You must departfor a long time, study and experiment, until you have solved thesecret of the three magic codes, which open simultaneously. You must find the MATERIA PRIMA! You must discover, as eachBAPHOMETIC ELEMENT, death, decay and resurrection in oneself.You must penetrate to the great, dark mother's womb - BAPHOMAE -from which the gnostic life flows. This is the cogent point ofthe material plane, and the bond loosens only at this point. All possibilities exist on this earth: the possibility ofperdition, but also of resurrection. Mankind is the crystallineintersection point of all boundaries. Magus, you have now become the ruler of three worlds. You havenow finally relaxed your own bonds, having extracted your powerover gross and subtle matter. Now, because they are with you,you can rule over them. Determination no longer binds you. Youknow the secret gateway to the magical BAPHOMETUM and hold thekey in your hand. You can choose and decide freely, unbound bythe laws of the body. You can migrate into the secret realm of BAPHOMET, penetratinginto the unbounded world of the infinitely small and the infinitelylarge. You have become the true ruler of the MICROCOSM and theMACROCOSM." REGNUM BAPHOMETIS INTRA NOS EST! 666 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aythos: Die FRATERNITAS SATURNI - eine saturn-magische Loge, München 1979David-Neel, A.: Heilige und Hexer, Leipzig 1932Huysmans, J. K.: Tief unten, Mönchengladbach 1963Levi, E.: Trancendental Magic, London 1964Spunda, F.: Baphomet, Villach O.J.Séde, G. de: Die Templer sind unter uns - oder das Rätsel von Gisors, Berlin 1963Szepes, M.: Der rote Löwe, München 1984Waite, A. E.: The book of ceremonial magic, New York 1961Zacharias, G.: Satanskult und Schwarze Messe, Wiesbaden 1964 The Author Class of 1939 - Abitur - studies in psychology, philosophy,theology, mathematics, economic science and politics. Doctorof Psychology (Ps.D.) at the College of Metaphysics, USA.Philosohy professor from 1975 to 1983 at the Cooperating Studyof Economic Science and Politics at UNISA = University of SouthAfrica, Pretoria. Member of the following organisations: ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS(OTO), ORDO BAPHOMETIS, OTOA, MONASTERY OFTHE SEVEN RAYS, LA COULEUVRE NOIRE, LOGE KETHER, PARIS,AMOOKOS, ORDEN DER DEUTSCHEN GOLD - UND ROSENKREUZER, AMORC,TEMPLE OF SET, ORDO PENTALPHAE, ORDO TEMPLI BAPHOMETIS ANTIQUA =(OTBA), ECCLESIA GNOSTICA MYSTERIORUM, BRUDERSCHAFT VON AGARTHI,GROSSE SCHWARZE BRUDERSCHAFT. Specialized in Magic, Kabbalah and gnostic sexual magic. Publications:Aythos: Die Fraternitas Saturni - eine saturn-magische Loge,München 1979;"Über Präzipitation", in "Begegnungen im Wort". Anthologie,Frankfurt 1986;"Baphomet". Anthologie - "Wege im Zeitkreis", Frankfurt 1986;"Agarthi - Mysterium der Mysterien", in "Gedanken zeichnenSpuren". Anthologie, Frankfurt 1986;Veröffentlichungen in verschiedenen Zeitschriften.