The Rosicrucian teachings are presented as a series of Degrees. There are nine degrees in total. After that the student becomes a part of the Order at a different level.
In order to provide the new student with the best possible start, the nine degrees are preceded by an initial degree called a Neophyte Degree. The name Neophyte was that used for applicants to the Egyptian Mystery Schools, as they received their initial instruction outside of the temples.
The Neophyte Degree is a summary of the teachings at a introductory level and is designed to give you chance to see what lies ahead. At any stage you may decide it’s not for you and leave the Order. Few people do this and the majority enjoy that first cycle around the wheel of esoteric knowledge, progressing with excitement into the Temple degrees.
The Neophyte Section covers the following topics:
Development of the Intuition
Introduction to: Human Aura, Telepathy, Metaphysical Healing
Mystical Sounds, Spiritual Alchemy
Structure and Composition of Matter
Power of Thought
The Creative Power of Visualisation
Mental Projection and Telepathy
Law of the Triangle
Origin of Diseases
Influence of Thoughts on Health
Mystical Art of Breathing
Rosicrucian Healing Treatments
Perception of the Aura
Awakening the Psychic Consciousness
Mystical Sounds and their Effects
The Great Religious Movements
The Nature of Soul
Purpose of our Spiritual Evolution
Reincarnation and Karma
Good, Evil and Free Will
Intuition, Inspiration and Illumination